Important Message Re Coronavirus

As the Coronavirus continues spreading it's nasty wings and it's affect is being felt worldwide as well as in our local community, we want you to know that we at Chabad are here for you.

Whether it's concern about yourself or loved ones, managing in self isolation, practical help, loneliness, or just want to chat, please email us or pick up the phone and give us a call! (See below for contact info)
We are here for you and would love to help in any way possible.

At this trying time, here are 4 practical things you can do:

1. Follow Health Guidelines

As much as it’s common sense, guarding your health is a mitzvah we should take very seriously.
So follow the instructions of the medical professionals and local health officials. If you suspect that you or a loved one has been affected, contact your doctor.

2 - Reach Out!

If you know of someone who may be concerned or staying home, reach out. Worrying or Isolation for a long period of time is tough for anyone. Call, email, or send a loving text message. So if it’s a loved one, a friend, a neighbor, or a co-worker, reach out to them. Tell them that you are thinking of them, praying for them and offer to help in any way you can.

3 - Have Faith, Not Fear

Yes, concern is real. But if this virus has taught us anything, it's that - there is only One who decides what will happen to us, and that is the Director of heaven and earth. Trust that He is good. Pray, ask Him to protect you and your loved ones. Ask Him to send healing to the entire world. Then have complete confidence that He listens to every prayer that comes from the heart, and yours will be answered as well. Leave it up to Him. Think good thoughts, and things will be good.

As in most situations, fear doesn’t do much good. Even a teaspoon of faith, on the other hand, has amazing healing power. Even medical professionals say so! As seen in this Mayo Clinic study: “Most studies have shown that religious involvement and spirituality are associated with better health outcomes, including greater longevity, coping skills, and health-related quality of life.”

4 - Check Your Mezuzahs

The Torah guarantees that when a Jewish home bears a Kosher mezuzah on its door, the Guardian of Israel ensures that the home and all who live in it are protected.

Rolled up inside a mezuzah case rests a parchment with the Shema Yisrael inscribed by an expert scribe. With time and weather, that parchment can fade or crack. That’s why it’s a Jewish custom to check the mezuzahs of your home especially at a time when protection is needed.
If you haven’t had it checked recently, contact us to have it checked right away.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

As this time, we hope and pray for the safety and health of you and your loved ones. May the Almighty protect us all and send complete healing to those who need healing. And may our world very soon find the ultimate cure to all diseases with the coming of Moshiach, sooner than we can imagine.

Yosef and Goldie Sharfstein
Co-Directors of Bushey Chabad

Yosef: Phone 07501.294.873

Goldie: Phone 07742.459.216

For more Jewish resources, inspiration and guidance see here.